I got up this morning and headed to the coffee shop to meet the running group (I am good at making brunch - making the run on the other hand...not so good). It was raining by the time I headed home. I was on the singlespeed and taking the sidewalks in order to avoid red lights. I went off the sidewalk to avoid a couple walking on the street and was heading back up onto the sidewalk, when BAM! My front wheel slid underneath me and I went skidding on the sidewalk. Now I have a big cut down my thigh and cuts on my ankle, calf and knee. Fuck! I have ANOTHER abrasion on my right hip. I don't know what karmic influence keeps me landing on that hip in crashes, but I'm already saving up for that hip replacement I'll need in my early forties. And I'm supposed to be cloistered in seclusion to 'save' myself for the WMG races next weekend.
You think I'd be bashed up more while racing, but it always seems I kill myself when I'm riding alone. Maybe that's where the karmic balance works out...
Joe and I went to his work party last night. It was fun. I made a hard effort to get drunk and was satisfied with my success. We rode our bikes home from the party in Martindale. At 1 a.m. in the morning, 36th St. is a great ride. I'm planning on getting some sleep this afternoon and we're heading to Jerome's art show opening at Quab around 7pm. Hopefully we can get a gang together to head to the bar afterwards. I haven't been out in a month!
Baby update....there's still no baby yet. I got a call from Owen this morning and all systems are normal. He's strangely calm. I think I'm more anxious than the rest of the family combined!
I bought the new Deep Dish "George Is On" CD yesterday in anticipation of the set at Tantra tomorrow night. Boy, does it ever sound like "Junk Science". "Flashdance" and "Dreams" are proof that even the best of the best are getting overzealous with mash-ups. I do like "Say Hello" though. There are a few other good ditties on the album. I wonder how the set will play out tomorrow night.....
I want to see you in a short grey t-shirt dress, all wet, dancing to Flashdance, with the abrasions and cuts. You'll look like a wife-beaten Jennifer Beals impersonator.
I keep telling Joe to only hit you where the bruises don't show
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