Why am I playing with my glasses or hat in these pictures? I had ADD this weekend I think. However, we did end up with four ITT medals on Saturday and the team pulled off a bronze in the TTT on Sunday. Good work guys! Considering we had never trained together as a time trial team, and Cyrus had never time trialed before this weekend, I think we did very well. Both Devon and Cyrus show great promise in the sport in the future if they choose to pursue it more. I hope they both return to Synergy again next year. Seasoned pros like Frank and myself certainly appreciate having the young guys on the team to pull us around!

Provincial ITT heros...Frank, Devon, Cyrus, Marty Machacek, Reid

2005 Alberta Provincial TTT Bronze medallists: Synergy Team - Frank Kovacs, Cyrus Kangarloo, Devon Smibert, Reid Dalgleish
Better ADD than Tourette's. And at least you're not futzing with someone else's hat or glasses. Or feeling it necessary to bite on a pencil case to control your inner rage.
Yeah - no abuse of others so far. I guess I'm safe for the time being. Until the next episode, anyways.
Nice pics Reid; you are very photogenic. I like your Jean Chretien impersonation in the second pic. The weekend went really well for the team, thanks for organizing it.
Cyrus (AKA phantom blogger)
Nice eh? I can do the paralyzed half-side of the face very well!
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