Lake Louise May 2005
It's Joe and my fifth anniversary today. I can't believe it's been five years already (or is that it's ONLY five years?). How time flies when you're having fun! I think for all the problems that we've worked through, we're pretty compatible. We don't really fight, and less my stupid issues, we don't really have any reason to. I guess there are some difficulties and frustrations, but what relationship doesn't have them? It's a good time to reflect on where we've been and ponder where we're going. We were going to go out for dinner tonight at Rouge, however Joe is sick as heck today, so we're postponing that until the weekend. His birthday is also coming up on the 29th, so I have to dig into my pockets to find some money to buy him what he really wants for his birthday -- a PlayStation 2.

Upper Lake Kananaskis 2005
Reid, congratulations and happy anniversary. A long-term relationship is a difficult project, like making a brioche, and I respect anyone who can figure out how to make it work. Also it makes my learning curve much briefer if I can learn from the mistakes and successes of those whom I respect. Rejoice in your partnership and friendship, and I hope you guys have a happy evening (even though he's sick).
Aww, congrats Reid and Joe - wow, 5 years! You guys make a great couple, I hope to see you together for many more. I love seeing wonderful people together. Hugs and kisses to both of you.
congrats you guys! I remember WAY back when you would mention Joe, but we had never met him. He was kind of like snuffalupolous (sp??) for the longest time!
Sean & I met in 1989 - in the middle of October - it was so long ago!
Now THAT is ancient history! I was still in high school fer chrissakes!
Awwww such a cute couple. Congratulations, happy anniversary. Drink plenty Martini Asti
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