Alanis and Reid have pointy birthday thingies...

Birthday bunch

10 seconds to midnight...

5 seconds to midnight...

2 seconds to midnight...

Ten seconds later...

Just a little festive....that crap was all over the place - only the beginning of the mess.

Jody & Joe

Dance, bitches!

Brian, Cheryl-Lee, Ryan, Toni

Help us Jebus!

Joe and Janice -- Joe, please compose yourself!

Brian, Terri, Diane, neighbor Mike - I wonder if Brian remembers things at this point in the evening?

Later in the evening, Jerry's missing his tie, fyi.

What was left behind...8am. Go the hell home, people!
I left out the prayer room pics for fear of reprisal, but they do make good blackmail fodder, so be afraid, be very afraid! Just kidding.
You're on the phone to Jer and I'm looking at your bad ass party pics... looks like it was heaps of fun. Had I would have thrown Jerome in a wheelchair and dragged him over. :)
Bruce (and Jerome)
PS: Cute, cute, cute kids.
Oh my gosh, that looks like fun! I miss you guys so much. Happy New Year, Reid - and hugs to Joe.
Is that Justin Timberlake in the white hat? I just knew I got bumped off the invite list because of that little white I-can’t-funky-town bitch.
Looks like fun…Happy New Year!
Wish I could have been there.
Tons of fun it was...why did all the straight boys come out of the wood work after I went home? That's just not fair :(
It looks like you had a ton of fun. Sorry we couldn't make it!
Happy New Year, Reid. May it be the best year yet!
(sorry, bit slow on this....)
Well Reid, looks like a great time. I am only sad to hear that your uber-cute neighbor Mike is straight. Of course, perhaps we can convert him. How many points would I get for that?
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