There was a flogging demonstration going on upstairs and the master was inviting anyone who wanted to try it to volunteer. Of course Doug, being that he had never been whipped before, was gung-ho about the prospects of getting physically beaten. Patrick and I sat back and watched the horror unfold. Doug stood against the wall with his shirt off and let 'er rip. The master would tap on him softly and then give him a sharp snap on the back. Doug would let out a little yelp -- at this point I would always expect him to quit -- but he would always go back and assume the position! Hilarious. I think the fact Patrick and I were laughing so hard might have caused things to go a little longer than they should have, but the topper was when the master brought out the BIG whip and said, "Have you met Veronica?" and Doug's response was, "No, but does she hurt?"
Freaking hilarious! Who will ever forget Veronica?!
I was up early on Saturday for a run and brunch with Frontrunners. We are starting to organize the Banff Ekiden run again for the weekend after Thanksgiving. It sounds like quite a few people are interested, however it doesn't look like many are interested in spending Saturday night in Banff, like we have traditionally done in past years more than not.
I went and picked up my rental car afterwards. I took my road bike out to Cochrane Cycle to Preston in order to get my bottom bracket repacked and a bit cleaned up for the Provincial Time Trial Championships on the long weekend. Afterwards did a bit of shopping, stopped at Ryan's place and then headed over to Inglewood to pick up Joe and Brian for the party. We drove through Kensington to pick up Patrick and then got ready to head down to Bridlewood to Doug's party --- bring a f**king lunch! We waited for Frank to show up at the apartment, then picked up Nick and began the arduous trek to the south end of the city.
The party was fun. It was great to see the gang again. I haven't seen Nancy and Sean in ages so it was nice to catch up with them.

Brian and Patrick

Curtis and Joe

Reid and Nick

Kirk and Shawn

The boys....

The girls....

Sean....for some reason I'm not surprised...

I'm not surprised about this either. Are you sure you want to come to Calgary Sarathena????

So many uses for a counter-weight...
Sunday morning there was an impromptu race at the velodrome put on by cp and Sean H-C. It was essentially a toned down version of the Keech-Corr Classic that was supposed to go on but was cancelled due to lack of entries. The day was great and we all had a lot of fun. I ended up going with Chris Hooper and cp to Starbucks in Marda Loop and sitting in the sun all afternoon drinking Iced Cafe Lattes. How pretentious. We had a great conversation, and I stopped at Ryan's again on the way home for a visit. Joe and I relaxed in the apartment last night. I'm still exhausted today.
Ross and I went for a killer run through the Douglas Fir Trails at lunch and we were supposed to be going for a Synergy team recovery ride tonight, however a freak storm came through the city EXACTLY at 6:30pm. I think it was a sign to stay at home.
Tomorrow I am definitely going to go to the Mid-Week Mayhem Criterium races at the University Research Park. They have been going on all summer, but I haven't been to one yet to due a conflict with track training on Tuesday which was taking precedence earlier in the season.
I'm heading to Lethbridge on Saturday for the Provincial Time Trial Champs. I'm planning on going a day early to visit with my cousin Robert who lives there. The ITT is on Sunday and the TTT is supposed to be on Monday, however we haven't collected enough bodies to put a six-man team together for the race yet. I guess we'll find out during the week what we're going to do.
So. This is what I think will happen to me in Calgary: A bunch of well-dressed and surprisingly athletic alcoholics will courteously capture me, trap me in a basement, and make me eat fertilizer, force me to listen to how my country is ruining the planet, beat me with an anthropomorphized flogger named after our misguided religious fanatic, brain me with a large metal phallic symbol, photograph me with ill intentions, then make me get up really early and either run or repack my bottom bracket. Sounds fun! When do I pick up my commemorative measuring cup?
Soe-ry! I didn't mean to insult your sense of capitalist entitlement. You're right. Canadians are just as wasteful and slothlike as Americans; you just use extra u's in your words.
That's right -- Canadians could put Americans to shame in the sloth and gluttony category. I just always use American newclips because, well, that's where they all come from and the problems there are more pronounced since there 10 times the scale as here.
...and I won't make you repack a bottom bracket either, Sara. Maybe eat fertilizer, but no bike grease.
Not on the first date, anyway. That's way too "alien abduction" even for you Canucks.
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