05 May 2006

God's A Gas

Boy do I ever feel left out for having missed this event last week: PrayLive, an online e-church, organized a group prayer for lower gas prices in Washington DC last Thursday which they dubbed "Prayer at the Pump". What would one of those sermons have been like? Rever'nd Billy Bob steps up to an Exxon Premium unleaded pump and starts pounding on the malific contraption whilst hollering:

"Devil fuel surcharge taxes, begone! Wanton price gouging oil fiends, burn in a flaming pit of your heathen brew! Harlots of Houston, may God smite you with holy hurricanic vengence! Bow your heads now and pray with me all you poor souls conned by Conoco, shorn by Shell, shived by Chevron and tempestuized by Texaco! Sing with me brothers and sisters,
we shall overcome
we will drive 'til kingdom come
Arctic gas shall be set free
for all our SUVs..."

And goodness and cheap gas shall follow me all the days of my life.

Sin Nickel, Clusterfuck Nation

1 comment:

Minge said...

Bush isn't the only mad person in America, it would seem.