Sunday morning, I met up with Graeme, Frank and Chris for the ride out to Station Flats to meet the rest of the crew that was doing the Charity ride for the Foothills Diabetes Association in Brian's name (BK's mom has diabetes). There was a good turnout despite the blazing sun, and kudos to Brian's brother Kevin and his mom and dad for putting together such a fantastic event. I finally got up to see the memorial for BK at near Elbow Falls where his body was found for the first time. It is certainly a beautiful spot. He loved this area and certainly would have found this vista from the hill to be a good one to sit and ponder the meanings of life and death. I miss ya, buddy.

cp and Huggy-bear showed up for the meal and presentation and cp graciously said a few words at the presentation that I was supposed to do, since by buddy Ross and I figured it was best to split and make it home before our spouses thought that our quick outing was becoming a day-long commitment. Chris had to head home with Maura and the kids, Frank wasn't feeling the love on the way out so took a ride from Felix back into town, and Graeme left us at Bragg Creek to head back to the city on 22X. Ross and I separated at 36th Ave. and Elbow, and it was a sweet 145km ride in the heat once I was home.
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