Thursday night was the Calgary Bicycle Track League AGM and Awards Dinner.

cp with the Journal Cup - winner for 2005 is Synergy Racing Cycle Club!

Graeme and Chris share some stories...

Hammerhead Award winners for the A,B,C groups -- Reid, Nick and Bill

Our fearless President gets up to speak...
Friday night was Jeff's annual blow-out Christmas Party. It was once again a fantastic time, and it was great to get together with the gang just before Xmas.

The Experience and Canagal

The Congregation

Very festive indeed

And if I do THIS.....

The Host with the Most

Merry Xmas guys!

Supermodels hanging out in the kitchen

I think it's about time to go home, guys. You've had enough.
...and that's the end of that! We managed to make it home alive and hit the sack, however I slept in and missed the 9am running start at Greg and Jerry's. Once I woke up and fucked around the house, I didn't get over to their place until noon.

Frontrunners brunch at Greg and Jerry's newly renovated house. Tim in brown on the left is the guy that I share lead/second with on our curling team. Jerry is cut off to the left of him and Greg is on the far right.
I got to the gym at 1:30. After a workout, I headed over to the North Hill Curling Club for a 4:30 game. The Queer Eye for the Cute Guy team won a curling game for a change! We actually were really on our game and it was added to the fun in the lounge afterwards which was coincidentally the Apollo Curling Xmas Party.

Shawn and Bryan post-game at Apollo Curling

Aaron, the third

BITCH! The winner of the post-game 50/50 draw is humiliated for the bitch queen she is!
I was supposed to either go out to Bryan's place and the Eagle afterwards or to Natasha's potluck dinner and I unfortunately had to bow out on both. Reid skipping a Saturday night? Can you effing believe it? I spent the evening at home with Joe. I felt the cold creeping back on me, so I just slept and slept and slept. Sunday I did Synergy finances and waited for the cable guy to show up. We're switching back to basic cable from the digital TV pilot project we were on from Joe's work. They're releasing it to the public now and we'd have to pay for it starting January 1. It's insanely expensive, even with Joe's employee discount (oh yeah, Joe's quitting there too on Jan 4, so it was sort of necessary). I'm glad we're going back to the cheaper option at any rate. After the meeting, I went down to Ryan's place to do some business and praying.
This will probably be the last big written post until after Christmas, so right now I'd like to wish everyone reading this a happy holiday season and best wishes for 2006. Good luck for 2006. You'll need it. *wink*
I'm so excited to be going home now. I'm bringing my man with me and I'm heading to my hometown. I fully expect my family to be completely normal about it and for the days there to be full of fun, food and lots of laughs. It'll be Trezlie's first Christmas too. What more could I possibly ask for? Once again I say, "I am so blessed". Even if it is Jebus and Gob, or is that Allab or Mohabbed, or Bongfucious? Whatever you believe in, call your mom right now.
Merry Christmas.
Over and out.
Merry Xmas or Happy H or ... Season's Greetings or, what Happy 25th...
Enjoy your time with your family!
Say hi to Grandview for me.
NICE DAY!! i cant post the pics ! but there's sth i stole frm audrey's blog. and i promise them i will post it on my blog de! haha.
BUT!! i cant liao. cos the pic hor, cannot be opened on paint!! so, cannot edit liao. sians. nxt time then post pics bah. i promise! hees!
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