January 22nd is Answer Your Cat's Question Day!
Have you ever noticed your cat looking at you quizzically?
Have you ever considered the possibility that they have a question?
Take a moment today to figure out what they are asking you
and do your best to answer their question!
What are Josh and Jack saying to you today, Canagal?
hmmmm... Josh is saying, "Why don't you ever feed me when I ask?" "Why do you wait until you are ready to feed me?"
Eddie, I think asks questions when he has done something silly. I think his Q is something like: "You know, of course, that I meant to do that"
Shyand, my pleasently plump kittie asks, "what do lesbians exactly do in bed".
I'm sure lesbians and straight people do the same thing in bed.....pet the kitty.
was that Syand's Q, or Sean's??
Eddie also asks, "Why is my tail so short?"
Bandit: "Why aren't you paying attention to me?"
Gizmo: "Why are you paying attention to me?"
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