08 December 2006


Ambrose promises new energy programs

Environment Minister Rona Ambrose promised yesterday new programs to encourage energy conservation - and admitted her government axed popular Liberal programs immediately after taking office, without a comprehensive review. During a testy exchange with Liberal Senator Grant Mitchell at a Senate committee, Ambrose blamed the former government for not having a co-ordinated approach to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. The Conservatives scrapped the previous government's multibillion-dollar plan under the Kyoto Protocol. The government is expected to announce new research spending to crack down on toxins and measures to make by-products safe.
(National Post 061208)

Just like in the U.S., the Conservatives are seeing that they can't play partisan politics when in a situation of tenuous control. Especially now that the Conservatives see how they underestimated the importance of the environment and destruction thereof by average Canadian citizens. The backlash to their proposed Clean Air Bill was targeted and harsh, both from within Canada and from the international community. They are forced to listen to the other parties and their constituents much more than if they had majority control. At least they're revisiting their shortcomings.

God, politics is so much bullshit. I can't believe that these appeasing, snivelling, spineless losers determine how all of our lives play out.

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