I guess I can only say that the last two weeks have been very, very stressful and I am in need of a long sleep. I'm very happy to have my blog, comments and archives back though. The media blitz over the past two weeks only made things worse, but I think all of us in the blogosphere learned a thing or two. What happened was certainly a rare event, but bringing unwanted attention to my personal entries and those of my friends certainly made many of us take pause in what we post and say.
The events over the past few weeks have strengthened my beliefs that friends and family are the only true things outside of your own self-interests that bring meaning and variety to your life. We think of ourselves all the time, but they are the only other ones in this world that take even a few seconds once in awhile to think of your well-being. You learn so much through them and learn a lot about yourself as well.
I've been going through the motions of trying to make sense of what has happened, yet I think it's going to be a long time before everything is worked through. Every new bit of news I receive throws more incredulity into the equation. I gotta say that it's been very, very nice to have all my friends and family around me over the past few weeks. I love you guys all very much! Thank you thank you thank you.

And we're glad we have you as a friend Reid!! See you this weekend!
Yes Reid, we are glad to have you as a friend!! :-)
Reid you've held up amazingly well with such a devastating loss. I sincerely hope you don't have to go through something like this again for a very long time - you don't deserve the mental punishment.
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