I had good intentions to work on the template for my blog this weekend as well as finally scratch out a happy post (I know that everyone's waiting anxiously for that one! LOL), but alas I am being completely lazy today. This was a weekend of good intentions, but ended up being more about escape. Doug, Joe and I went to Soda Lounge on Friday night for a DJ set including my friend DJ EZ Quik, and we ended up having a bit too much fun. Saturday morning came way too early. I had to meet Chris and Craig at Peak Power for our baseline measurements and a workout before heading to the ABA AGM in the afternoon. After that I headed home, had a very quick nap and got ready to go out with the gang again. Joe and I headed over to Curtis' place at 9pm and hooked up with Curtis, Doug, Darren, Matt and Jeff. We sat around, had a bunch of laughs and before you knew it, it was 11pm and too late to head to the bar. So what did we do? Go for another run to the liquor store! We stayed at Curtis' place until the wee hours of the morning. I'm so glad I have the group of friends I do - they're really a bunch of great people. I don't know what I'd do without them!
How true Reid we are a tight group. It was a great time, and it was good to see everyone again. All the drinking and praying LOL
At least you got out. You beat me on that one.
How was Almight Geebus's set?
I love you guys!
A.G's set was really good, although he was done his first one shortly after 10pm (ie, we didn't get to hear the entire thing). He tried to get back on the decks after 1:30am, but by that time we were well beyond being able to distinguish good music from bad music, if you get my drift.
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