10 October 2006

tryptophan and all that jazz

2300km. That's what I drove to get back to me roots in Manitoba over the Thanksgiving weekend. It was a great chance to visit with my dad who just got out of hospital and to hang with my family (and get to see a lot of people I haven't seen in a very long time) at my cousin's 40th birthday party.

And the food! I love going home. You get to eat SO MUCH good food! It was just a good weekend to get away and relax. I got some reading done and some thinking too...22 hours in a car by yourself gives you lots of time to think about lots of things - crazy things....I didn't figure anything out though!

Back to reality today. I had a dentist appointment this afternoon to get four teeth bonded. The time: 45 minutes (after waiting 15 in the waiting room). The cost: $450. That equates to $10 a minute, or 17 cents a second. Wow, am I ever in the wrong line of work.


MB said...

Who's the missing link?

MB said...

Realistically, I think you've missed the boat, Jeff. Try for something that doesn't require the agility and injury recovery of youth.....