I had a Synergy Exec meeting tonight in preparation for the AGM on Thursday. I have a bit of work to do at the beginning of the week to prepare for that. I also attended a Frontrunners meeting last night to get updates on the status of our planning for the running events at Easter for Outgames. Things are progressing - slowly. There are still a lot of outstanding things we need definition on from the Outgames organizing committee as far as sponsorships, funding, registration go, but we've got the routes hammered out as well as our initial planning budgets. I've been trying to contact a few companies that could provide timing and equipment for estimates, so hopefully that will be a bit more defined in the coming week.
At any rate, the chance to unwind for a few days is finally here. No plans for tonight except to watch the season premiere of South Park, but tomorrow is busy with running in the morning, attending the Knobby Gobbler cross race at Shaganappi Park in the afternoon, then onto Tim's 40th b-day party (which is Star Trek-themed since the show turns 40 this year too), and finally to Doug's place for the annual Halloween blowout. It's gonna be a long day, but I'm planning to sleep all day on Sunday since the weather is supposed to be turning to shit tomorrow night and there will be absolutely nothing else to do. Hopefully I'll remember to take lots of pics to post early next week.
Then it's Monday again, and back to the grind. BOO...
Have a fun Halloween, everyone!
And I repeat (the same as last year):

If you need any inspiration not to eat too much candy or drink too many candy liqueurs.
And once the candy is burned off post-Hallowe'en:

You're back to your normal tight-assed self!
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