Normally being low is sad and why we start drinking, but this low is good..... the low of a Terror free world. Will it ever happen? We don't know. Maybe the terrorists know. But not us.

We know to always use protection in having sex, but shouldn't we also use protection against Terror?????!! When America is guarded, shouldn't you be guarded too????? Now you can be. Don't wait!!

The Terrorists are plotting Terror. We don't know how, or when, or where, but we know theire plotting something, those rascals! Thank goodness The Government warns us, so we know when to be worried and when to not relax or take walks.

Holy Shit!!! Things are getting bad!!! Terror is rampant like a rhino running! Stop the rhino!!!!!!

This is no laughing matter. Terror has won if Severe is ever implemented. This is a day when the Government has to make speeches and not argue. Let's hope you never have to wear this shirt, but it's good to have anyway, for peace of mind.
Check out all the office products you can get to keep your place of work safe from terrorists.
Guarded and Elevated look exactly the same to me. Maybe the subtle way that he has his hands slightly curled is the difference.
A little more paranoid as Guarded, maybe? It might be due to the bright yellow shirt though.
This is really good. I'm seriously tempted to order the shirts. Guarded he's on the look out but elevated he's looking over his shoulder cause the terror could be anywhere.
...you could be your own office terror alert notice! Maybe the boss would pay you extra????
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