21 July 2006

Death to the four-wheel killing machine!

Jay's death on Wednesday strengthens my resolve to join the 'Death to the Car' revolution. As some of you know, I've been pretty anti-car for quite awhile (oddly coinciding with when the bike became my primary means of transportation). As I expect, most of you will tell me to piss off - that cars are what made North America great (great for what?), are the epitome of personal freedom (freedom from what?), that it's a necessity for me and my family (necessity for what?), yadda, yadda, yadda. Well if you're in this group, fuck you. They've killed and maimed too many people I've known and loved (how many makes it unacceptable?). We freak out about the horrific situation in the Middle East while there are 3.3 million injuries, 2.2 million permanent injuries and 45,000 car-related deaths in North America each year? No one even thinks about these statistics. Personal vehicles have aided in making North American society the fucked up mess that it is.

But I want to know how all these yokels that shouldn't even be breeding get to drive? Any mouth-breathing troglodyte gets to own a car with only having to pass a practical test that any idiot could pass with a little practice once - and never have to get tested again, ever, unless they kill or come close to killing someone? Geez - medical conditions be damned! Professional drivers need to get medical tests every five years (but they also don't need to be tested for proficiency again), so how are cars different from tractor units? They're still a couple thousand pounds of killing potential...it's harder to get a gun, but really - what's the difference? In the hands of the wrong people - both are lethal. We've all lost someone we know either in a car accident or by being hit by a car. We consider this an unfortunate consequence of normal life. I find it unacceptable. Sometime in the past, driving a car moved from being a privilege to a right. I can't quite figure out when it happened, but I'm pretty sure it was around the time that the auto manufacturers got in bed with the oil companies and the US and Canadian governments. After that all restrictions were off - removal of any sense of social culpability or personal responsibility for our actions soon followed.

Why are the governments so slow to implement cell phone use laws while driving? They penalize people for drinking and driving, but daily I see people driving like complete fucktards, not paying attention to anything in front of them save the terribly important conversation they're having on their cell phone about what their plans are for the evening. It's all so infuriating. I see it endlessly everyday as a pedestrian and cyclist. And it's only getting worse as the roads get more congested and the vehicles get bigger.

Part of the reason civil society is going to hell in a handbasket is because car culture further disassociates people from what's really going on around them. How much can you absorb about the environment around you when you're whizzing by it at 80kph, stereo blaring, windows rolled up, A/C blasting? For some reason, putting someone in the driver's seat changes the most considerate person into a complete asshole. Some neuron switch occurs that suddenly gives everyone a God complex - that their time is of highest importance and that extra 15 seconds it takes to safely navigate a busy intersection or wait for something else to move in gridlock traffic is reason enough to flip out and blow a gasket. What's even worse are those that feel they need to show that cyclist or pedestrian 'a little bit of the fear of god' because they inconvenienced the raging lunatic behind the wheel by 0.5 seconds. If they were rational, they'd realize that the bike or sidewalk is shuttling people along from point A to point B just as effectively as their noisy, belching piece of shit. I can't count how many times I've had someone yell out the window of their car, "get off the road and onto the sidewalk, where you belong!" What driver's training school did these people go to? Oh right - you don't need any training to pass a driver's test. You are able to color in some circles with a pencil on a piece of paper (careful - don't poke your eye out with that thing!), and maybe know how to spell your own name.

I admit, I'm guilty of aggression as well. I become very agitated behind the wheel, and I certainly don't like what I've become when I get out of the driver's seat and analyze my behavior. It's all very messed up. What a weird psychological shift the car does to us.

Add to that that car culture in North America is directly or indirectly responsible for a large part of our environmental degradation, crime, resource depletion, suburban sprawl, obesity, noise pollution and innumerable other problems, and it moves me to want to do something drastic to get people to see the folly of this horrible addiction we have to cars. NASCAR? My point is made.

Maybe we all need to take a hard look at ourselves, our self-absorption, our god complexes, how we plan, build and navigate our communities, how we absorb the world around us and realize that yes, maybe we do need to slow down a bit to get a better sense that we are part of a larger reality that doesn't go away when we confine ourselves in our vehicles. We need to get out our cars and live a more sustainable, less dependent lifestyle. I say - break the shackles of your metal prison deathtrap! Death to the car! Vive la revolution!


Cyrus said...

Nice rant Reid. I was thinking of buying a car but now I might reconsider. Vive les bikes.

PS - NASCAR ain't that bad, its just like track cycling just four to five times faster and with smaller legs.

labottomme said...

weeee great post!!

i am on board - death to the car, AND the motorcycle, and the planes...i think trains are okay and can stay :-p

i am fixin' to buy a bike in the next month, but am wondering how i'm gonna navigate the very non-bike friendly streets of toronto

Anonymous said...

Hey Reider,
Your old Tucson buddy here, CF. I was trying get some more info about Jay. I stopped by his memorial today on the 1A...same spot I turn off to see the horses everyday on Glendale Rd. It's brutal! Nice rant. Drop me a line.

Anonymous said...

Actually, it's not the cars that kill people, but the idiots driving them.

Let's get rid of idiots instead. Cars are necessary, that is, unless you want to bike to all of your out of town events with all of your gear in a bob trailer.

And, Cy, who you gonna sponge a ride offa when you need to go to a ski event. I am certain you won't be biking to that. Don't be so quick to dis cars because then you come down on those that haul your ass around!

Besides, I have tried getting my grandmother to the doctor on a bike, and she hit me with her cane! I can't find a bob trailer big enough for her. Hmmm.....maybe a bungee attached to her wheelchair would work. I wonder if I could get grandma to wear a helmet?

It's all USER ERROR.

PS - NASCAR...what a waste of freakin money, ozone, and quiet! Take all the freakin' money it takes to finance NASCAR and test the drivers.

MB said...

LOL anonymous! True that the drivers are the problem, but I pose this to you:

It's only because of the personal vehicle and the internal combustion engine that we've enjoyed this unfettered access to points far away and previously very difficult to get to. Think pioneer explorers. Humans were previous to the late 19th century quite 'localized' creatures, thus all of the beautiful variations in cultures, languages (and ugly belief systems at odds with each other :-( ) in very small regions of the world. We've come to think of this fabulous mobility as the norm. But should we really? Why do we think that we're entitled to this almost godlike ability to traipse around the entire planet in a day? Why do we expect that we should have this ability without consequence or sacrifice?

If there was more responsibility attached to this PRIVILEGE, everyone would reflect on all of it a bit more before they embark on a trip to the mall or to Fiji. But we don't because it's the norm. It's expected that travelling will always be completely democratic, that it will always be affordable to the unwashed masses.

We're just a bunch of snivelling whiners that expect everything of the world because our expectations have grown irrationally high with each passing generation. I believe we've reached a tipping point and now were in a period of diminishing returns. There are too many vehicles on the roads - rising congestion, accidents, stress, pollution, you name it. All the good things about the freedom of the personal vehicle are now being overtaken by the bad points.

This negative entropy now means we have to find another new better way to maintain mobility or improve it. We can't keep moving down a negative slope - it doesn't make any logical sense!


Anonymous said...

Maybe.......if it's gotta be all or nothing, just make sure you practice what you preach. All or nothing.

No more rides in personal vehicles for you, too, even if it's inconvenient......OK? Because this bastard's personal vehicle is not gonna be hauling anyone's cheap ass around anymore, except for mine......Hmmmmm.........another vehicle with a single rider has just been born because I have been taken advantage of way too many times! Guess that means I don't have to be a designated driver anymore...more drunks behind the wheel now too.

The Experience said...

"They're still a couple thousand pounds of killing potential...it's harder to get a gun, but really - what's the difference? In the hands of the wrong people - both are lethal."

So because I can bash your head in with a hammer we should ban them too?

labottomme said...

re. guns and cars:

reminds me of the old right-winger, conservative, elitist logic:

"it's not guns that kill ppl it's people that kill people"

*slaps self a few times* DUH - if PEOPLE didn't decide to make guns then OTHER ppl wouldn't have to worry about killing themselves, eachother and the Other. Guns and cars didn't just fall out of the sky, nor are they natural elements that are "must-haves" for humanity. Really, they are must-haves for death and destruction.

the masses (we are ALL implicated) jump on board to almost everything they say is shiny and pretty, cuz THEY say so (THEY tell us product A, B or C is a "must-have" and will make our lives "better" and supposedly more efficient). Sure, better and more efficient so we can increase our workable hours at a job that is all for maximum exploitation of industry X, Y or Z. More hours = more money to buy more useless stuff!!

anyway, there are a lot of morons out there - that includes gun owners and car owners. if ppl can't be responsible, which obviuosly they CAN'T, then they should not have guns or cars. how much more mistakes do we as the human race have to make in order to learn and change our fuck-ups? They are BIG fuck-ups, so why would we think that SMALL solutions will even attempt to tackle them? But all that aside, why the hell do we WANT cars or guns in the first place?? Who said we SHOULD travel far places?? And most of us agree that killing is wrong. So again, I ask, WHY do we need these useless trinkets, except for power, which ALWAYS fucks shit up.

I used to be the driver too, hauling everyone around AND not getting gas money for it. I've taken a lot of steps that are considered "backwards" cuz of my own beliefs, but give me a break, it's gonna take a HUGE system overhaul to right the wrongs. We all do what we can, some of us more than others, but at least we take (some sort) of steps towards SOMETHING better, even though it's NOTHING when the masses don't give a shit anyway.

Seems that those most vested and "IN"vested in the system are the ones that make the biggest noise about not changing things. Why is that? If those so opposed to REAL change think it's such bullshit, then why get so ANGRY at those that are NOT happy with the way things are? Just continue working your rewarding jobs and finding happiness and content in all the "stuff" you buy. Just doesn't seem like it's all that much happiness when those with so much "stuff" are the most depressed, suicidal, self-hating bunch.

There is nothing that pisses me off more than curt little elitist, bandaid answers to gushing, bleeding problems.

An example of a bullshit answer:

"Just pull yourself up by the bootstraps!!"

Gee, if everyone HAD bootstraps, or else a means of GETTING bootstraps, then perhaps that would be doable. BUT, since most in the world do not, then how the hell is one supposed to yank oneself up if one doesn't even have boots??!! reminds me of a parody jon stewart did once - showed a pic of a kid with a sign that said "Will Work For Bootstraps" LOL

labottomme said...

see my blog for further "fruitless" debate.

and i did not volunteer for the leadership role - i am not so arrogant to believe that i know better than all, which is what so many leaders and governors think. i think it is a group effort that has to happen by groups of ppl on board with this.

you're absolutley right re. my mother in calgary and debbie flying here. i have pondered and pondered these very things and came to the conclusion that humans don't really need to move around - if things DID get down to the basics, then I would be back in calgary / wouldn't have needed to come out east. but i didnt have this mindframe then, so here i am, and as with everything in my life, need to backtrack to 'get back to the roots' - in every way, and am not so naive as to believe it happens overnight or with a snap of the finger, as so many of the capitalist elitists think, cuz we've been spoiled and fast forwarded thru life thinking that everything should happen and fall at our feet at the blink of an eye.

i go into more "fruitless" detail in my blog.

who's hiding behind a screen? i have these very debates in person, and you can bet your ass if we were having this discussion in person we'd be aruging just as heatedly, but laughing through it too, just like that time at Reid's house when we marched on in, sat our asses down, and dived into global issues.

labottomme said...

AWWW, I totally agree! Although I think with written word, we can get more out cuz in person we get so excited that we cut eachother off! LOL But that said, I don't wanna fight either, and I hope you don't think my blog entry is harsh, cuz it was not a personal attack at YOU - just more ponderings that go on in my noggen about issues that you brought up, but that are part of all of us.

Love you long timez hard timez too!

MB said...

YAY! Debate! How much fun!

Rule #1: Don't take any of this blog shit personally. I hope none of it is meant to be that way, unless you're posting anonymously, of course. Then anything's possible.

Now, on vehicles: there is of course a good and bad side to everything, and as I had stated, the good things about cars are starting to be overwhelmed by the bad things. I think it's time for us to look at alternatives.

Finally, on hammers: chances are, a hammer will not kill you on first blow, unlike a gun or a car. Maybe that's where the line is drawn? ;-) I don't fucking know. Maybe stupid people shouldn't be allowed to handle anything....they can be made into soylent green. Upcoming food shortages solved!