Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know these news report postings do not a good blogger make, but whatayagonnado?
I've been camping out at the office for around, oh, say four weeks now. It's been absolute hell - a bunch of bad things happening all at the same time (think: a series of unfortunate coincidences), plus the fact one of my teammates is in Vancouver looking after his mom who is in cancer treatment, and the other is in Hawaii on vacation. I'm holding the entire sinking ship together. How fun. We have a final weekend software upgrade going in on Saturday and Sunday (which I'll be working through, of course), but after that, I'm really hoping things will calm down a bit.
Other than work, I've been trying to find time to retain a semblance of a training workout schedule (including burning off this disgusting ten pounds of winter fat), plus do normal-life stuff on the side when I find the time. I didn't take this job to be a stress case like many other people I know that take their jobs too seriously, and I think if this continues any longer, I might just jump ship to do something different. But then again, I am a whore for disposable income. Have you seen the company's stock price lately? Holy crap! Our CEO announced his retirement today, and the stock price jumped another $1.20 to around $58 on the TSX. Add to that the fact that the 2005 bonuses were announced today. If you got an achieves (100%) on your personal objectives, you will receive 150% of 5% of your pre-tax income as a bonus next week, since the corporate objectives went so well. It was a record year, and thankfully they're sharing some of the pot with the peons. Let's just say that that money will pay off some debt nicely. Sweet.
Nothing else is new. I haven't seen any of the gang in weeks. Maybe this will be a good weekend to catch up, if it stops snowing and I'm not working the entire weekend.

I am this stress-free...

...but wish I was this stress-free...
You can use your bonus to pay for Botox, which will erase those stress and worry lines in your forehead (or fill the pores in your sponge head)!
150% of 5%...
so is that 7.5%?
Congrats on your year! That's fantastic. Maybe you can upgrade your gym membership and leave all those smelly Bantam hockey players in their own filth. Unless you secretly like it and aren't telling.
I'm trying to burn off 10 lbs of winter flab, too. Does it ever end?
I still haven't heard yet, but last year was an excelent year for me as well.
Hopefully, I'll be overseas again this year with that...
Congrats on the bonus Reid. Hopefully we'll finally get a chance to hang out.
yaaaay that's awesome hon, you deserve it - you work hard and play hard.
haha@the stress-free sponge bob. me tooooo - i was thinking of declaring bankruptcy after finishing my undergrad or else masters and then starting from scratch. why the fuck worry about this random, abstract number 'out there' that i can't see, touch, hear or smell, yet causes undue tossing and turning and long term worrying....ESPECIALLY when the world is coming to an end, after reading your earlier posts ha!
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