24 February 2006

Hotter, faster, worser

Published on 24 Feb 2006 by Common Dreams. Archived on 24 Feb 2006.
by John Atcheson

Over the past several months, the normally restrained voice of science has taken on a distinct note of panic when it comes to global warming.

How did we go from debating the "uncertainty" behind climate science to near hysterical warnings from normally sober scientists about irrevocable and catastrophic consequences? Two reasons.

First, there hasn’t been any real uncertainty in the scientific community for more than a decade. An unholy alliance of key fossil fuel corporations and conservative politicians have waged a sophisticated and well-funded misinformation campaign to create doubt and controversy in the face of nearly universal scientific consensus. In this, they were aided and abetted by a press which loved controversy more than truth, and by the Bush administration, which has systematically tried to distort the science and silence and intimidate government scientists who sought to speak out on global warming.

But the second reason is that the scientific community failed to adequately anticipate and model several positive feedback loops that profoundly amplify the rate and extent of human-induced climate change. And in the case of global warming, positive feedback loops can have some very negative consequences. The plain fact is, we are fast approaching – and perhaps well past – several tipping points which would make global warming irreversible.

In an editorial in the Baltimore Sun on December 15th, 2004 this author outlined one such tipping point: a self-reinforcing feedback loop in which higher temperatures caused methane – a powerful heat-trapping greenhouse gas (GHG) – to escape from ice-like structures called clathrates, which raised the temperature which caused more methane to be released and so on. Even though there was strong evidence that this mechanism had contributed to at least two extreme warming events in the geologic past, the scientific community hadn’t yet focused on methane ices in 2004. Even among the few pessimists who had, we believed – or hoped – that we had a decade or so before anything like it began happening again.

We were wrong.

In August of 2005 a team of scientists from Oxford and Tomsk University in Russia announced that a massive Siberian peat bog the size of Germany and France combined was melting, releasing billions of tons of methane as it did.

The last time it got warm enough to set off this feedback loop was 55 million years ago in a period known as the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum or PETM, when increased volcanic activity released enough GHGs to trigger a series of self-reinforcing methane burps. The resulting warming caused massive die-offs and it took more than a 100,000 years for the earth to recover.

It’s looks like we’re on the verge of triggering a far worse event. At a recent meeting of the American Academy for the Advancement of Sciences in St. Louis, James Zachos, foremost expert on the PETM reported that greenhouse gasses are accumulating in the atmosphere at thirty times the speed with which they did during the PETM.

We may have just witnessed the first salvo in what could prove to be an irreversible trip to hell on earth.

There are other positive feedback loops we’ve failed to anticipate. For example, the heat wave in Europe that killed 35,000 people in 2003 also damaged European woodlands, causing them to release more carbon dioxide, the main GHG, than they sequester – exactly the opposite of the assumptions built into our models, which treat forests as sponges that sop up excess carbon.

The same thing is happening to a number of other ecosystems that our models and scientists have treated as carbon sinks. The Amazon rainforest, the boreal forests (one of the largest terrestrial carbon sinks in the planet), and soils in temperate areas are all releasing more carbon than they are absorbing, due to global warming-induced droughts, diseases, pest activity, and metabolic changes. In short, many of the things we treat as carbon sponges in our models aren’t sopping up excess carbon; they’re being wrung out and releasing extra carbon.

The polar ice cap is also melting far faster than models predict, setting off another feedback loop. Less ice means more open water, which absorbs more heat which means less ice, and so on.

Even worse, we’ve substantially underestimated the rate at which continental glaciers are melting.

Climate change models predicted that it would take more than 1,000 years for Greenland’s ice sheet to melt. But at the AAAS meeting in St. Louis, NASA’s Eric Rignot outlined the results of a study that shows Greenland’s ice cover is breaking apart and flowing into the sea at rates far in excess of anything scientists predicted, and it’s accelerating each year. If (or when) Greenland’s ice cover melts, it will raise sea levels by 21 feet – enough to inundate nearly every sea port in America.

In the Antarctic seas, another potentially devastating feedback loop is taking place. Populations of krill have plummeted by 80% in the last few years due to loss of sea ice. Krill are the single most important species in the marine foodchain, and they also extract massive amounts of carbon out of the atmosphere. No one predicted their demise, but the ramifications for both global warming and the health of marine ecosystems are disastrous. This, too, will likely feed on itself, as less krill means more carbon stays in the atmosphere, which means warmer seas, which means less ice, which means less krill and so on in a massive negative spiral.

One of our preeminent planetary scientists, James Lovelock, believes that in the not too distant future humans will be restricted to a relatively few breeding pairs in Antarctica. It would be comfortable to dismiss Professor Lovelock as a doom and gloom crazy, but that would be a mistake. A little over a year ago at the conclusion of a global conference in Exeter England on Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change, scientists warned that if we allowed atmospheric concentrations of GHG to exceed 400 ppm, we could trigger serious and irreversible consequences. We passed that milestone in 2005 with little notice and no fanfare.

The scientific uncertainty in global warming isn’t about whether it’s occurring or whether it’s caused by human activity, or even if it will "cost" us too much to deal with it now. That’s all been settled. Scientists are now debating whether it’s too late to prevent planetary devastation, or whether we have yet a small window to forestall the worst effects of global warming.

Our children may forgive us the debts we’re passing on to them, they may forgive us if terrorism persists, they may forgive us for waging war instead of pursuing peace, they may even forgive us for squandering the opportunity to put the nuclear genie back in the bottle. But they will spit on our bones and curse our names if we pass on a world that is barely habitable when it was in our power to prevent it.

And they will be right to do so.

John Atcheson's writing has appeared in the Washington Post, the Baltimore Sun, the San Jose Mercury News, the Memphis Commercial Appeal, as well as in several wonk journals. Email to: atchman@comcast.net


labottomme said...

holy fuck. this scientific discourse leaves my head spinning...i know greenhouse effect and melting ice caps are bad, buy why, again? why is methane and all this ice cap and glacier melting bad? can you 'splain it to me like i'm a 5 yr old?

it's frightening how scientists have been screaming about this for so long but how it has fallen on deaf ears...it seems that governments don't want to do anything until it hits them in the face, and even THEN they're hard pressed to get into action....IS there anything we can do at this point? Or are we waiting for The Big One....or as some would dub The Apocalypse? If that's the case, I am climbing up to the roof of my bldg, throwing my arms in the air and screaming 'take me motha fuckaaaaaaaaaaaahs we deserve this'

woohooo no more bills, debts or worries.

just kidding.


Anonymous said...

Excuse me MR.GAY man, but I don't think that you can have children, so I don't think that you have to worry about passing any debt onto them.

MB said...

IMHO, the fact society places reproduction above everything else in this world is the primary factor in why we're in this fucking mess in the first place. AND no matter what you think, anonymous, some of us GAY MEN have families that we in fact love and want to leave something to after we depart this place.

Anonymous said...

Good post Reid! Thought-provoking/depressing/rage-inducing as per usual! My heart and soul wants to believe that all of this "global-warming mumbo-jumbo" is overblown, exaggerated science trying to scare us into changing our destructive ways... but my brain knows that is not the case (I read too much "propaganda"). Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. The picture they paint doesn't look too rosy... The sad, ironic, scary thing is that we see what's on the horizon and we continue maintaining the status quo, unwilling to change or give up our lifestyle. I'm guilty. We're all guilty.

Sometimes I ask myself, "Do we (humanity) deserve such a beautiful place to live?". Answer = Fuck NO. If I were the landlord of planet Earth, I would have evicted our sorry asses when the industrial revolution kicked into high gear, because really, that's when this whole notion of "civilization" got right out of hand!

Yes, many wonderful things have happened in the past 200 years, but when shit starts going down the tube (which is going to be sooner rather than later) you'll ask yourself (this I guarantee) "Was it really worth it? Did I really need to drive my car every fucking day? Why didn't we see this coming? How come nobody told me?"

Guess what, we've been told, and told, and told. Unfortunately, I think it's going to take something severe (as if a record-setting year for Atlantic hurricanes wasn't enough??) to inspire the general public to stand up to governments and corporations and say "Hey FUCK-0, you lead us into this mess. Now how are we going to fix it??"

K. I'm done now.

ps - I agree w/what Jeff said about MR. ANONYMOUS. Kudos to Jeff! Boo-hiss-piss-in-your-face to MR. ANONYMOUS.

MB said...

Dear, dear Ross - I feel so confused and overwhelmed by this everyday. While part of me is so angry and scared to the point of paralysis, the other part is saying, "How could this all be happening, so fast, so suddenly? I must be getting fed shit from the Cassandras."

Then I realize that it hasn't been fast or sudden. Environmental degradation has been a slow, gradual decline, most tangible since WWII. The reason it is now accelerating is because there are now almost 7 billion of us breathing, farting, consuming, polluting, driving, flying, everyday. I don't think even the most ardent of 'non-negotiable way-of life' believers can argue that that isn't having some kind of effect, and not in a good way.

It really bothers me when scientists say (with a solid pile of evidence) that EVERY single natural bio-system on the planet is in decline. Not a single one of thousands is thriving. And we don't think anything of it, that unimpeded progress and growth is the natural order of things and that there is still a lot of cushion room.

Mother Nature is adaptable, isn't she, the stupid bitch? Well, MAYBE OVER THOUSANDS/MILLIONS OF YEARS, YOU STUPID FUCKTARDS! But yet she still does have some built-in relief valves in the system. They may not make things better, but they can prolong the inevitable, terminal end. They work on rapid, horrific changes. I think you'll be seeing a lot of that happen over the next fifty years - if we survive that long, that is.

Stupid feces-hurling monkeys. Who the fuck do they think they (we) are?

labottomme said...

LMAO@Stupid feces-hurling monkeys

wow, great posts.

I fully concur


my friend thinks we are all going to end up dying of thirst because there will be no water left. how ironic, to think that despite all this "advancement" and so-called evolving to higher being crap, that we would die as a species from such a simple, natural thing as lack of a basic necessity.

Scary thing is, it makes perfect sense.

MB said...

Waging the final wars as a species over our fundamental necessity - water and/or air - screams of irony. Sort of has an end times, religious aspect to it, n'est-ce pas? Like all the belief systems converging into one final act for one brief moment before extinction. Yikes.