Yay! We all bought our flights to San Francisco this morning. $342 each! As soon as I got into the office, checked my email and saw the Air Canada Seat Sale message in my Inbox, I was on the horn with Jeff, Doug, Matt and Joe to get our tickets bought. The flurry of emails that followed was disturbing (I think Jeff found so much humour in it he's posting them on his blog tonight), yet in the hub-bub, I misunderstood what day we were flying to San Fran since we had earlier discussed not wanting to be there an entire week, but I think I missed out on the conversation Jeff had about our hotel booking at Hotel Fusion and that in order to get some discount on the rate we had to be there for 7 nights. Long story short, three are arriving on Wednesday, Joe and I are arriving on Thursday. Not a big deal, really.
What with my trip to Newport Beach coming up on the 23rd, San Francisco in June and Canadian Track and Road Nationals in Quebec in July, I think a day less travelling might be an okay thing on the pocketbook.
I'm so EXCITED! It will be great to finally check out this city (beyond the airport), plus meet all of the Bloggers. This will also be the first time a large chunk of the gang will be vacationing together, after the Vancouver debacle of August 2003 (I can't believe that happened almost four years ago already).
Ah yes, Vancouver pride!!! Doug stuck on a train with forest fires all around him, Joe with his hurting back and you and I were drunk. Then our trip home, getting stuck in Golden, burning out the clutch on my Passat and arriving at 2:00 in the morning back home...and you had to work the next day. GOOD FUCKING TIMES I tell you.
It was fun though. Drinking all night and then straight on 'til morning. Gosh that sounds like a Peter Pan sequel.
Have a great trip! AC email sale updates are second to none, other than Amsterdam with expedia that is...
All seat sales require are:
Patience, grasshopper, patience.
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