I heard from mom the other night that our family dog, Maxie, had suffered a stroke and wasn't doing very well. I got confirmation tonight that she died this morning. Mom and dad figured she was having a series of strokes since she was slowly deteriorating, shaking and gradually losing her motor functions. It appeared she wasn't in any pain, and died peacefully.
Maxie was a great dog. The folks got her when I left Grandview for university in Winnipeg - Owen was 11, Warren was 15, I was almost 18. She lived 16 great years on the farm and was always the loyal companion. She would follow us wherever we went on the farm or exploring in the country and everytime I was home from Winnipeg, Red Deer, or Calgary, she would always come out for my running sessions with me.
We'll miss you Maxie. Rest in peace.

awww, i'm so sorry....she was adorable and you can see what a sweet dog she was just from the pics - it was all over her face.
at least you'll get to see her again when you graduate from this hell and move on to greener pastures and endless living...
fuck i sound like a bible thumper :p
I am sorry, Reid. But I am sure she's happy on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. Heaven may not exist for us, but I'd like to think it does for dogs.
That's sad. Sorry man.
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