29 April 2009


Well, the final inspection of the penthouse was completed yesterday and we passed with flying colors. Three solid days of cleaning really do pay off! It's pretty surreal to see the old apartment completely emptied and no longer ours. It was a great pad, and I'll miss it dearly.

But with that behind us, the attention is now focused on getting everything of Joe's unpacked in his new apartment and me getting everything properly packed for the trip on Saturday. I've been living out of towers of boxes in his spare room while sleeping on the couch. Telus finally transferred the phone line service to the new place this morning so I'm back on the Internet and don't have to go into the office today! Woo hoo!

I got my kitchen stuff packed last night plus the remainder of the clothes. Now there is the matter of errant open boxes of crap that were thrown together plus looking for things that I know exist but I'm not sure are packed. A few of those things might have to wait until I'm back in Calgary in November for Christmas and can drop by Joe's place to pick up or drop off whatever (that includes you, Xmas decorations).

One more day of honest packing, tracking down people to take a few remaining donatable things, and that should be it. I hope to be free Thursday night to have one last evening at the Ship & Anchor and then pack the U-Haul truck on Friday. Right now, it's only me so if anyone wants to help...

Next report - most likely from Vancouver!

...my thoughts these days are with my friends Jerome and Bruce in Montreal who had a condo fire on Monday morning. Jer just happened to be getting up for work early in the morning and noticed the fire in the back of the condo. Within five minutes the entire back wall was in flames. Had Jerome not been awake, it's quite possible neither of them would be with us today. A lot of Jerome's art collection was destroyed, but fortunately all of Bruce's snakes survived. Terrible, terrible news, but luckily the boys are okay.

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